Teaching Your Baby to Swim
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Teaching Your Baby to Swim


By (author) Francoise Barbira Freedman
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In this fascinating and beautifully photographed book, Francoise Freedman shares her many years of research with her uniquely natural and effective way of gently introducing babies and toddlers to the world of water. From baby to young child, there are entertaining exercises and activities to encourage buoyancy, confidence and freedom with safety.

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Dimensions: 0 x 0 x 0 cm

Book Type: Hardback

Pages: 96

Publishing Date: 20121011


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Introduce your child to swimming: an expert guide shown step by step in more than 200 photographs. This is a unique series of exercises to encourage co-ordination, strength and confidence, and enhance mutual enjoyment in the water for you and your baby or toddler. You can learn how to submerge your baby safely, progress through to diving and jumping, and finally experience the thrill of watching your child swim freely. It shows how your toddler can discover the freedom of buoyancy and underwater swimming, and become relaxed and independent in the water. It answers all the most frequently asked questions concerning choosing pools and equipment, and the safety of babies in the water. It is packed with entertaining games and activities, all shown in over 200 easy-to-follow photographs. In this fascinating and beautifully photographed book, Francoise Freedman shares the knowledge and expertise that led her to develop Aqualight - Birthlight's approach to introducing babies and toddlers to the world of water. All babies have the potential to enjoy water and, if encouraged a little, will welcome the freedom and challenges of buoyancy. It will take some dedication to see your child swim totally unaided for the first time, but the rewards will far outweigh your efforts. Immersing your baby is completely safe when done correctly through this gentle and progressive approach.

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