The Music Tree
The Music Tree
Books /

The Music Tree


By (author) Julia Valtanen
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Luke won’t play the trumpet Granddad gave him until he discovers a seed Granddad sent will only grow when it hears music.

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Age Suitability:

Dimensions: 27.5 x 21 x 0.8 cm

Book Type: Hardback

Pages: 40

Publishing Date: 20221201


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Luke the frog is too busy to play the trumpet his grandfather sent him, and when Granddad sends him a seed, Luke is frustrated that it is slow to grow—until it responds to the music of a band of street musicians. Luke and the musicians play until the magical tree is tall and strong, and until Luke loves playing his trumpet. This is a story about patience and effort with delightful retro/folk art style illustrations.

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